Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wacky Wednesday

Good grief, today was nuts. Any of you that teach high school will know how bad this I get to school this am and another math teacher on my hall says, "Have you heard?" And I was thinking, "Oh, geez, now what?" So he goes into this story he heard on the RADIO about how our exam days have been moved up from next Tuesday to this Friday! Why do you ask? Some excuse about the inarguration (sp?) next Tuesday. I have no idea why that affected exams, but whatever. The principal makes an announcement a few minutes later saying that he read the same rumor in the PAPER this am and that he is going to the board to find out exactly what is going on and what our new schedule will be. So a few hours later he makes an announcement saying it's true and how we're just gonna have to deal. All day long, I, and all the other teachers, try to explain to each class what's gonna happen, and then at the end of the day (after we told all 3 classes), he gets back on the intercom to say that we are back to our original exam schedule. Apparently, lots of parents had called and complained about taking away the weekend to study, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, the point is, all day today, literally, NO ONE knew what was going on, not even the principal, which I must admit, was the one kinda funny part to all of this. Whew! That was my day today!

As soon as I got home today I hopped right on the treadmill. I knew after today I needed it. So I did 4.5 miles and ran 0.7 miles of that. My goal is to try 1.2 miles (running) this Saturday. My legs didn't hurt much at all today while I was running so I'm hoping that'll keep up as I increase it.

Oh, and class went well last night. I have several students that I taught in high school, which I was not expecting, but 2 seemed very happy to see me as their instructor because they both did well in my class before. This course should be challenging, but I like the fact that it's a lot higher level of a math. I like having to think sometime during my day!

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